Where to search for vacancies

You can look for work in different ways. You can go to the employment center, search online or ask the people you know. Learn where to look for the best job advertisements for you.

There are several ways to search for vacancies. You can start telling people you know, search the area you live in, read job posts online or contact specialized agencies.
The search method also often changes depending on the job you are looking for. For example, if you want to be a mechanic you will not easily find advertisements online, but it might be more useful to go and ask the mechanics directly if they are looking for someone to hire.

Always remember that finding a job is not an easy task for anyone. Foreigners, however, may often encounter greater difficulties due to the lack of knowledge of the Italian language, documents or because of discrimination.
Getting started with the job search the right way is still important and we want to give you a number of tips that can help you.

You can check if in your neighborhood, or in the surrounding area, there are job posts in the shop windows with the words “Cercasi personale“. Go into the shop and ask for more information so you know what the job is. This method is often used in clothing stores, restaurants and bars.

The employment center is a public office that assists people who are looking for a job.
If you are a foreigner looking for work, you do not have to register with the employment center, but we recommend that you always do so. If you are registered you can take part in the activities organized by the center and you can request some special support from the Italian government (e.g. unemployment if you are fired)

On this page, you will find all the information to register with the employment centre.

Recruitment agencies or temp agencies are private businesses that help companies find potential employees. All employment agencies are authorized by the Italian government to carry out this activity.

You can sign up with an agency for free. It is best to go to the agency in person, although in some cases you can register online.
You can also sign up in several agencies in your city and not just one.

Someone from the staff will take you through the registration phase and will ask you to submit your curriculum, so make sure you have one ready before you start the registration. The operator can also ask you other questions to assess your skills and understand which job offers are most suitable for you. Once you have signed up, try to always stay in touch; this way it is easier for them to remember that you are always looking for a job.

When there is a suitable offer for you, the agency will contact you. But remember! Being contacted by the agency does not mean that you have obtained a job. it only means that they are calling you for an interview. Only when you have passed the job interview will you be able to know if you have been hired.

Important: to register you must have a valid identity document and a valid residence permit, or the renewal receipt.

Some of the best known recruitment agencies are:

Some agencies such as Randstad and Adecco have specific programs to facilitate the integration of refugees and asylum seekers into the labor market. If you are interested you can ask for more information about this.

Search here for the recruitment agency that is closest to you. Enter the city where you live in the empty fields and remember to select “Agenzie per il lavoro” for Tipo di Sportello.

Another way to find job vacancies is to browse specific websites.
You will need to sign up for the individual sites in order to submit an online application, or to receive vacancies updates, and visit them often to see if there are new vacancies available.
The registration, for websites that require it, is necessary to create your online profile that can be consulted by companies or employers looking for candidates online.
To register you must have an e-mail address.

On many of the online sites you can also post your job application specifying the type of job you are looking for, the skills and qualifications you have.

Here are some sites we recommend:

  • Infojobs You must register by entering your name and your email in the upper right part “Accesso Candidati “. You can also upload your curriculum to the site, and check if it has been seen and by whom.
  • Monster is a well known job search site. Create a profile on Monster and browse the job advertisements by changing the filters and, if you have difficulties, you can ask for assistance. The website also has a section where job seekers can find advice and information.
  • Indeed Italia is a site that shows job vacancies posted on many other online sites. To search for job posts, fill in the two main fields using the keyword “lavoro” (you can add, for example, “part-time work” or other) and add your city. Remember to add your email address to receive future updates.
  • Cliclavoro is a government run website. You can browse job posts and submit your applications. Sign up for the monthly newsletter to receive job posts by email.
  • Trovolavoro – Corriere della Sera. It is a website of Corriere della Sera (an important Italian newspaper) where you can register for free, find job offers published by companies and send your CV. You can also search for internships or training courses that match your profile.
  • Jooble is a platform that selects job advertisements from the main job search websites in Italy. You can register and specify what type of job you are looking for and the city. You will receive updates on new job advertisements by email.
  • Subito run a lot of ads, including job posts. Companies publish job offers and job seekers can respond directly by contacting the company. The site service is free and requires no registration. You can also upload your own job search post.
  • Bakeca allows you to view and upload job posts for free and without the need to register. You will find many advertisements, including job posts.
  • Job4good is a website that publishes job offers only for those who want to work in the “terzo settore”, which is the non-governmental sector. Here you can look for jobs like: cultural mediator, psychologist, social worker, etc. You do not have to register to browse the job advertisements, but it is recommended so that the registered bodies looking for employees can easily verify your training and experiences.
  • LinkedIn is a social network that works differently. You can create your personal profile and include your work experiences that will be visible to your contacts. The “Follow” option allows you to connect with other people and companies. If you are only interested in the job search, you can also download the “LinkedIn Job Search” app on your phone.

The agricultural sector is one of the main sectors in Italy where many foreigners work. This is a positive fact with regard to the labor inclusion of foreigners in the area but unfortunately it often also becomes a reason for exploitation and illegal work. Read this article to find out where to find legal employment opportunities in this industry.

Another way to apply for a job is through spontaneous application. It means that you are not responding to a specific job offer but you write to say that you are interested in possible job offers.
You can visit the website of the company you are interested in and look for the “Career” (Carriera) or “Work with us” (Lavora con noi) section to see how to send a spontaneous application.
Do you want to learn how to write a spontaneous application? Read an example in the attached documents below.

Attached documents

  • Cover letter for a spontaneous application

    Download the template and fill it with your data

    Open the document
  • Cover letter for a published job advertisement

    Download the template and fill it with your data

    Open the document

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