Italian laws

Understanding what documents you need to live, work or study in Italy and how to obtain them can be difficult. The procedures are often lengthy and complex. However, it is very important to know what to do to obtain, for example, a permesso di soggiorno (residence permit). In this section you will find useful information to find out where and how to make requests and who to contact if you need help.
Ricongiungimento familiare

How to apply for ricongiungimento familiare (family reunification)

If you are a citizen of a non-EU country and you have a carta di soggiorno (EU residence permit for…

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Permesso di soggiorno di lungo periodo: what it is and when it can be requested

The Permesso di soggiorno di lungo periodo allows non-European citizens to obtain a permesso di soggiorno for a period of…

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The permesso for gravidanza: What is it and when to apply for it?

The permesso di soggiorno per gravidanza, also known as permesso for cure mediche durante la gravidanza, is a temporary document…

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Checking the status of your permesso di soggiorno online: how to do It?

Permesso di soggiorno | Polizia di Stato One of the fastest ways to check the status of your permesso di…

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Conversion and renewal of the permesso di soggiorno: what are the differences

Renewal of the permesso di soggiorno The renewal of the permesso di soggiorno is the process you need to follow…

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Uomo muratore

The decreto flussi

Decreto Flussi 2025: From 1st November 2024, it will be possible to pre-fill online applications for clearance to hire foreign…

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