Education in Italy

In Italy, education is a right recognized to Italians and foreigners and it gives the possibility of going to school. Parents are required to send their children to school by law. The Italian school may be organized differently from that of your country of origin. Find out how the school in Italy works and how to enroll your children.

The school system in Italy

According to Italian law, all children, Italians, and foreigners, have the right to study and must comply with compulsory schooling,…

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Primary school – scuola elementare

Primary school is the first level of compulsory school for children aged 6 to 11. In Italy, parents are obliged…

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Middle school – scuola media

Scuola media (middle school) is the school from 11 to 14 years. It is called "middle" because it is in…

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Secondary school – scuola superiore

Secondary school is the school that comes after middle school and lasts 5 years. In order to enroll in secondary…

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Educational and vocational training – IeFP

IeFP courses, or Istruzione e Formazione Professionale in italian, are another type of secondary education. These schools are very similar…

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University in Italy

University is the highest level of the education system in Italy. To enroll at university, it is necessary to have…

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