Working in Italy

Work opportunities in the agricultural sector
If you are currently looking for a job, you can try looking for opportunities in the agricultural sector for seasonal…
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Where to search for vacancies
There are several ways to search for vacancies. You can start telling people you know, search the area you live…
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The ALMA platform: tools for the job search
Here is ALMA, the platform that can help you achieve your professional goals! What is the ALMA platform? We at…
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Job Clinic Online
Job Clinic Online is a digital platform to help people with a migrant background, refugees and asylum seekers to overcome…
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The start of a new job
Starting a new job is very stimulating because it gives us the opportunity of a new start and to take…
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Employment Center (Centro per l’Impiego)
The employment center (Centro per l’Impiego) is a public office that offers free services to assist job placement and vocational training…
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