Italian laws

The United Nations recognizes protection to people who leave their country due to wars, violence or natural disasters. In Italy, international protection is of two types: refugee status and subsidiary protection. There are also cases where you can get other types of protection. In this section we explain what it means and how you can apply according to Italian law.
Uomo che passeggia

International protection

Every year, many people flee their country because they face persecution or fear of facing it. Persecution occurs on grounds…

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Ricongiungimento familiare

How to apply for ricongiungimento familiare (family reunification)

If you are a citizen of a non-EU country and you have a carta di soggiorno (EU residence permit for…

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How to apply for international protection

Submit your international protection request as soon as possible to the border police, when you enter Italy, or to the…

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The Commissione territoriale and the intervista (interview)

Your international protection application will be examined by a special commission called Commissione Territoriale per il Riconoscimento della Protezione Internazionale…

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Corte di Cassazione

The international protection: the esito (outcome) and the ricorso (appeal)

The ricorso (appeal) is a practice to request the modification of a civil court decision. If you applied for international…

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