Italian laws

International protection
Every year, many people flee their country because they face persecution or fear of facing it. Persecution occurs on grounds…
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How to apply for ricongiungimento familiare (family reunification)
If you are a citizen of a non-EU country and you have a carta di soggiorno (EU residence permit for…
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How to apply for international protection
Submit your international protection request as soon as possible to the border police, when you enter Italy, or to the…
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The Commissione territoriale and the intervista (interview)
Your international protection application will be examined by a special commission called Commissione Territoriale per il Riconoscimento della Protezione Internazionale…
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The international protection: the esito (outcome) and the ricorso (appeal)
The ricorso (appeal) is a practice to request the modification of a civil court decision. If you applied for international…
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