Permesso di soggiorno di lungo periodo: what it is and when it can be requested

Obtaining the Permesso di soggiorno di lungo periodo is an important step for living and working in Italy after several years in our country. This article will guide you through the essential information to understand how to submit your application and which documents are required.

The Permesso di soggiorno di lungo periodo allows non-European citizens to obtain a permesso di soggiorno for a period of up to 10 years. If you are someone living regularly in Italy and wish to obtain this permit, it is important to know what documents and requirements are necessary.

What documents do I need to request the permesso di soggiorno di lungo periodo?

To apply for the permit, you will need to submit the following documents:

  1. Passaporto: make sure it is valid.
  2. Permesso di soggiorno: it must be valid. If your permit has expired, you will need to attach the receipt for the renewal application.
  3. Valid codice fiscale.
  4. Certificato di stato di famiglia: issued by the municipality of residenza to demonstrate your family members. Even if you are alone, you will need to present this certificate.
  5. Residence addresses: remember the addresses where you have lived in the last 5 years (a certificate is not necessary).
  6. Certificato del casellario giudiziario and Certificato dei carichi pendenti: you must request these documents from the Palazzo di Giustizia of the city where you reside. These documents are valid for only six months.
  7. Italian language test: you need to demonstrate that you have passed the A2 level Italian language test.

If you have minor children or are requesting the permesso for dependent family members, you will also need to present a certificato di idoneità alloggiativa issued by the municipality where you reside. Remember that this document is also valid for six months.

How can I prove my income?

You need to prove that you have an annual gross income not lower than certain amounts, which vary depending on the number of dependents.

Current requirements are:

  • Solo applicant: € 7.002,84
  • Applicant with 1 family member: € 10.504,26
  • Applicant with 2 family members: € 14.005,68
  • Applicant with 3 family members: € 17.507,10
  • Applicant with 4 family members: € 21.008,52
  • Applicant with 5 family members: €€ 24.509,94
  • Applicant with 6 family members: € 28.011,36

What documents are needed to prove my income?

Depending on your job, you will need certain documents:

  • If you are an employee, that is, you work for a company or employer, you will need to show your latest CUD or modello 730, the Modello Unilav, and your last payslip.
  • If you are a domestic worker, that is, you perform work inside a private home to assist with the family’s daily needs, you must present your latest CUD or modello 730, the comunicazione d’assunzione all’INPS, and the INPS contribution slips for the current and previous year.
  • If you are self-employed, you must show your latest modello UNICO, the visura camerale, the IVA certificate, and the provisional financial statement signed by your accountant.

How much does it cost to issue or renew this permesso?

To apply for your Permesso di soggiorno di lungo periodo, you will need to submit an application to the Questura of the city where you reside. To submit the application, you must complete the kit postale.

Payments to be made include:

  1. A revenue stamp of €16.
  2. A payment slip of €130.46 for the issuance of the Permesso di soggiorno UE per soggiornanti di lungo periodo.
  3. €30 to send your postal kit via registered mail through the Post Office.

If you wish to renew your Permesso di soggiorno di lungo periodo UE, you must still use the postal kit. In this case, the payments to be made include:

  1. A revenue stamp of €16.
  2. A payment slip of €30.46 for the renewal of the permesso di soggiorno UE per soggiornanti di lungo periodo.
  3. €30 to send your postal kit via registered mail through the Post Office.


Refugees and beneficiaries of protezione sussidiaria are not required to meet the housing requirements or pass the Italian language test.

Make sure to gather all the required documentation and follow the necessary steps to successfully submit your application. If you need further information or assistance, contact a migrant support association in your area.

You might be interested in

  • Modello 730

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  • Certificazione delle conoscenze linguistiche (Certificates of Language Proficiency): When Do I Need Them and Why?

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  • Checking the status of your permesso di soggiorno online: how to do It?

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