
"Licei" are a type of school that can be done after middle school. There are many types of licei depending on the main subjects being studied. Licei can be both public and private. In the public licei, enrollment is free or has a very low cost.

Licei are also one of the types of secondary school.

Licei give a very extensive training and last 5 years. At the end of the fifth year, students must pass the exam, esame di maturità, to obtain the Diploma. Most students continue their studies at the university.

The fields of study of licei are:


Focus: art, the history of art, and artistic techniques.
It is also possible to choose a specific path: figurative arts, architecture and environment, design, audiovisual and multimedia, graphics, and scenography.


Focus: literature, history, philosophy, development of Western culture.


Focus: foreign languages, the history, and culture of these countries. Exchanges and visits abroad are often planned.

Musicale e coreutico

Focus: music and dance, their role in history and culture


Focus: mathematics, physics, natural sciences, scientific research and technology

Scientifico – opzione scienze applicate

Focus: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and computer science – laboratory hours

Scientifico – sezione a indirizzo sportivo

Focus: sports sciences in mathematics, physical and natural sciences

Scienze umane

Focus: personal identity, human and social relations as pedagogy, psychology and anthropology in European culture

Scienze umane – opzione economico sociale

Focus: judicial, economic and social matters

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