How to renew your permesso di soggiorno
The permesso di soggiorno (residence permit) is a document with an expiry date and, when it is about to expire, you must make a request to renew it. Find out when, how and where to renew your permesso.
You must apply for the renewal at least 60 days before the expiry date indicated on the permit itself. The request must be made at the Questura or at the post office based on your type of permesso, exactly like for the request for the first issue.
For the renewal request you need:
- Filled out form that you find at the Questura or at the post office
- a photocopy of your passport
- a photocopy of your permesso di soggiorno
- a photocopy of your codice fiscale
- a € 16 marca da bollo (stamp), which you buy in tabaccheria
- receipt of payment of € 30.46 to print your permit (make this payment at the post office with a bollettino)
Useful link
Website of Sportello Amico- Poste Italiane to apply for permesso
On this website you find the address of Sportello Amico in your city.
Go to the link -
Website of Polizia di Stato- permesso application status
On this page you can check the status of your permesso di soggiorno application.
Go to the link -
Website of Polizia di Stato- Questura
On this page you find the address of the Questura in your city.
Go to the link
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