The program Garanzia Giovani

Garanzia Giovani is a special program to help young people find a job. Foreign citizens who are not from the European Union, but who live in Italy, can also participate. Read more to find out if you would be interested.

Garanzia Giovani is a European program to help young people get into the job market. Italy participates in this program and receives funding to help people under 30 to do a vocational training course or find a job.

If you are a foreigner who is between 15 and 29 of age and lives in Italy with a valid residence permit you may be interested in finding out more about this opportunity.

The public office that follows this program is the employment center (Centro per l’Impiego) where you can go and ask for all the information you need in person. Depending on the region you live in, there may be different offers available, so we recommend that you always ask the employment center in your city.
You can also find more information on the website following the link below, which however is only in Italian.

To participate in this program, you must check that you respect all of these rules:

  • be between the age of 15-29 years;
  • you are not working (so you must be unemployed);
  • you are not attending school (you are not enrolled in a high school, or other secondary school courses, or in a university course);
  • you are not doing a professional training course;
  • you are not doing an internship;
  • you must be resident in Italy, and have a valid residence permit (remember that if you have refugee status you have a valid permit and you can participate)

So the recipients are young people who are out of work, not studying and not doing training or already participating in other support programs.

Enrollment for the Garanzia Giovani program is free, but there are several steps to take before completing it.

If you go to an employment center, you can find a worker who will help you with the registration and it will be easier. We recommend that you go to the employment center bringing valid documents with you and your email address, so you don’t have to go back a second time.

The first thing you need to do is register in the personal area of MyANPAL, the Italian government agency (ANPAL) that manages the enrollment for this program. Click on “Registrati“ and then choose the option “Cittadino” and enter your details.
You will need to fill in an online form with your details (name, surname, email address) and once finished, you will receive an email to the email address used during registration with your credentials (username and password to access the portal).

  • When you have finished registering and received the passwords, you can sign up for the program Garanzia Giovani. You will need to select the region or province where you would like to work or do training. Remember that you can choose a different region or province than the one where you live in.
  • Within 60 days after enrolling to the program, the region you have chosen will contact you for an appointment at an office (it can be at the employment center, employment agencies or other). During the appointment they will ask you questions about your studies, what you would like to do, what your skills are, etc. These questions are needed to develop a professional training or job placement path based on your real needs. Your path will be written in a document called Patto di Servizio. This document is an agreement identifying what you would like to do based on your skills and what the office can do for you.
  • After completing the Patto di Servizio, you will have to wait a maximum of 4 months to be called to do a work experience, an internship, a professional training course or other courses.

The main services for those enrolled in Garanzia Giovani are:

Help and guidance

The Garanzia Giovani desk will help you find your way by doing an individual interview with a consultant. Together with the consultant, and according to your needs, you will decide on a personalized path to follow. It can be, for example, about how to enter the job market through an internship or starting a specific school path.


The training paths can be of 2 types:

  • Training courses for a job. For example individual or group courses to learn a profession.
  • Pathways that help entry into the school system for those under the age of 19 and without a diploma.

Work support

The consultant selects the most appropriate job offers for you and helps you apply, follows you during the selection process, the interview, and the start of the new job. Job offers can be of these types:

  • With an apprenticeship (apprendistato) contract if you are between the age of 15 and 29 years. The apprentice is a type of contract that allows you to work in a company while following a training course at the same time. The training could be a professional training course within the company or finishing higher or university studies. At the end of this contract, the company may decide to employ you.
  • Through a 6-month internship;
  • If you want to become an entrepreneur and start your own business, then you can ask for the help of some specialized consultants here who will help you understand what you need to do. your business can receive assistance during all beginning phases. You will be placed on a specific path where you will be supported by consultants who will help you in the steps needed to start the business.

Read more about the Garanzia Giovani program.
If you have doubts or questions read the FAQ frequently asked questions.

Do you live in one of these regions? Visit the website you are interested in, or find the one in your region by writing on Google “Garanzia Giovani + name of the region”.

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