Education in Italy
The school system in Italy
According to Italian law, all children, Italians, and foreigners, have the right to study and must comply with compulsory schooling,…
More >Primary school – scuola elementare
Primary school is the first level of compulsory school for children aged 6 to 11. In Italy, parents are obliged…
More >Middle school – scuola media
Scuola media (middle school) is the school from 11 to 14 years. It is called "middle" because it is in…
More >Secondary school – scuola superiore
Secondary school is the school that comes after middle school and lasts 5 years. In order to enroll in secondary…
More >Educational and vocational training – IeFP
IeFP courses, or Istruzione e Formazione Professionale in italian, are another type of secondary education. These schools are very similar…
More >University in Italy
University is the highest level of the education system in Italy. To enroll at university, it is necessary to have…
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