Working in Italy

Knowing the laws regarding work and the documents you need to work is very useful. This way you can understand how to work legally in Italy and what your rights are. In this section, you will find a lot of useful information about contracts and employment laws.

Modello 730

What is Modello 730? The modello 730 is the document used for the tax return. It is mainly used by…

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ISEE: what it is and what it is for

The ISEE or Indicatore della Situazione Economica Equivalente is the document that shows the economic situation of a family. It…

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La Certificazione Unica (CU): what it is and what it is for

In Italy, in order to access some procedures or services, you will have to prove your personal or family income,…

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Tax return (dichiarazione dei redditi): what it is and how to do it

What is the tax return? The tax return is a document through which you officially communicate to the government how…

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The paycheck (la busta paga)

The busta paga (paycheck) is an important document for a worker. If you have an employee contract, you will receive…

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The Italian Tax Code

In Italy, the tax code is a very important number that you will need for many things, for example: To…

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