Education in Italy

Knowing the language of the country you live in is very important. There are many ways to learn a new language: courses, online classes, and talking to people. These all are useful ways and you can learn Italian or increase your knowledge by choosing what suits you the most. Read all the information we have collected for you on the best way to study Italian.

Certificazione delle conoscenze linguistiche (Certificates of Language Proficiency): When Do I Need Them and Why?

What is a certificazione linguistica? The certificazione linguistica is an official document issued by recognized institutions that confirms your level…

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APPs for learning Italian

To learn the language it is important to attend an Italian course because teachers can help you learn faster and…

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Learn Italian Online

Study Italian online If you want to study Italian on your own, you can take online courses. Studying online is…

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Learn the Italian language

Understanding what people are saying and talking to them is very important when living in a country different from the…

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