Education in Italy

School is a very important part of your child's life. Studying and learning with other children will help your child fit better in the new reality and find better job opportunities. You could sometimes find it difficult to understand how the school is organized, or be afraid that your child may forget the culture of origin. It is a normal feeling that many newcomers in Italy experience. In this section, you will find a series of useful information to support your child on the school path.

The cost of public school

Public schools in Italy are managed by the state, this means that the cost of the school is lower than…

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Economic help for families

Parents have a lot of expenses for their children: they have to buy food and clothes, send them to school,…

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Communication between school and family

Good school-family communication is important because this way parents can learn about their children's educational performance, and in case of…

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Cultural and linguistic mediation

Often, when people don't speak a language well and need help, they turn to their acquaintances and friends. However, there…

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