Italian laws

Understanding what documents you need to live, work or study in Italy and how to obtain them can be difficult. The procedures are often lengthy and complex. However, it is very important to know what to do to obtain, for example, a permesso di soggiorno (residence permit). In this section you will find useful information to find out where and how to make requests and who to contact if you need help.
Ragazzo scrive

How to apply for permesso di soggiorno

After your arrival in Italy you have 8 days to apply for a permesso di soggiorno. Some types of permesso…

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Primo piano di un ragazzo

The permesso di soggiorno (residence permit)

If you are a citizen of a European Union country you do not need a visto (visa) and a permesso…

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Permesso di soggiorno per motivi di lavoro subordinato (work subordinate residence permit)

The permesso di soggiorno per motivi di lavoro subordinato is issued to foreign citizens who are employed under an employer…

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Permesso di soggiorno per lavoro domestico

The permesso di soggiorno per motivi di lavoro domestico is issued to foreign citizens who perform subordinate work activities within…

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Permesso di soggiorno per motivi di lavoro autonomo (residence permit for self-employment)

The permesso di soggiorno per motivi di lavoro autonomo is issued to foreign citizens who engage in lavoro autonomo (self-employment)…

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Permesso di soggiorno per motivi familiari (Residence permit for family reasons)

The permesso di soggiorno per motivi familiari allows the family members of non-EU country citizens who legally resides in Italy…

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