Italian laws

The decreto flussi
Decreto Flussi 2025: Employers have the opportunity to apply for workers again, accessing the remaining available quotas, until 31 December…
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How to apply for ricongiungimento familiare (family reunification)
If you are a citizen of a non-EU country and you have a carta di soggiorno (EU residence permit for…
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Permesso di soggiorno di lungo periodo: what it is and when it can be requested
The Permesso di soggiorno di lungo periodo allows non-European citizens to obtain a permesso di soggiorno for a period of…
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The permesso for gravidanza: What is it and when to apply for it?
The permesso di soggiorno per gravidanza, also known as permesso for cure mediche durante la gravidanza, is a temporary document…
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Checking the status of your permesso di soggiorno online: how to do It?
Permesso di soggiorno | Polizia di Stato One of the fastest ways to check the status of your permesso di…
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Conversion and renewal of the permesso di soggiorno: what are the differences
Renewal of the permesso di soggiorno The renewal of the permesso di soggiorno is the process you need to follow…
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