Working in Italy

Forklift certification – Patentino per Carrelli Elevatori (muletti)
Carrelli elevatori (forklifts), also called muletti, are machines used to transport and move goods and loads in many workplaces like…
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Professional training courses: what they are and how they work
Professional courses, or corsi di formazione professionale in italian, help you obtain the knowledge and qualification you need in order…
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Courses to become Operatore Socio Sanitario (OSS) – (health worker)
The health worker, operatore socio-sanitario or OSS in Italian, is the person who carries out basic health care for the…
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Courses to become an intercultural mediator (mediatore interculturale)
The mediatore interculturale, or intercultural mediator, is the person who helps people of different languages and cultures to communicate more…
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Useful resources for training and job support
Working is important in order to be independent and live well in a new country. But it is often not…
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Quality license for housekeepers, caregivers and babysitters (Patente di qualità)
The quality license, also known as patente di qualità, is a document certifying the skills of domestic workers like housekeepers,…
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