Lingokids: the App that helps your child learn English for free

In Italian schools, in addition to Italian, the English language is also taught. English is very important when your child grows up, whether for work or travel. Find out how to help him learn English with online resources.

In all Italian schools, it is also mandatory to study English. Children usually start studying English in kindergarten, by playing some games with the teachers. It is easier for young children to learn a foreign language because their brains learn and remember things more easily than an adult person. There are many ways to help your child learn English from an early age. One of these ways is to use some games and APPs that you can find online. A widely used App is Lingokids.

What is Lingokids?

Lingokids is an app for smartphones and tablets. At the moment, Lingokids can not be used on computers or laptops. In the app, you will find games, songs, and videos to learn English. There are four levels of learning for children of different ages. You can help your children or they can use the app on their own. Parents can consult the weekly report in the app to see what activity their child is working on. There are also pages that you can print, so the whole family can learn together.

How to register?

Thanks to the collaboration between ItaliaHello and Lingokids it is possible to have free access. To have free access, send an e-mail to We will send you a set of instructions and a code to use. If you think your child's teacher, your family and friends are interested in LingoKids, you can tell them to send us an email. We will give them free access too.

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