Centro Unico di Prenotazione (CUP): how to book appointments with specialists and exams

The Centro Unico di Prenotazione (CUP) is the system used in Italy to make appointments with medical specialists or for diagnostic exams within the public healthcare system. This page provides general information describing how CUP works and what are the procedures to make appointments.

You must contact the Centro Unico di Prenotazione (CUP) if you need to make an appointment with a specialist or for exams when requested by your medico di base or pediatra at a public healthcare center (for example at a hospital) or at healthcare centers that are “affiliated” with the Sistema Sanitario Nazionale (National public healthcare system). Affiliated centers means that the centers are private but provide healthcare services (for specialists or exams) at the cost of the public healthcare ticket or free of charge to those people who are exempt from paying for the ticket

CUP therefore is an office and/or a phone number that you contact to make appointments with specialists or for medical exams. You can also cancel or modify an appointment through CUP.

To make an appointment you will need a red printed prescription from your doctor or an electronic white prescription (also called “dematerializzata”). In some cases, you don’t need a prescription to make an appointment. In the majority of cases, however, the following documents must be presented to CUP:

  • the prescription from your medico di base or pediatra (either red or an electronic white prescription);
  • tessera sanitaria (national healthcare insurance card) or a tessera stranieri temporaneamente presenti STP (card for foreigners who are in Italy temporarily);
  • the document that certifies eventual exemption from the cost of the healthcare ticket.

There are various ways of making appointments through the CUP office, which vary from region to region. Please refer to the CUP office located in your region. Sometimes rules may vary from one city to another within the same region. To avoid any mistakes, look for the CUP within your city for more specific information.

Through a Google search write: CUP + the name of your region or the name of your city (for example, CUP Toscana or CUP Firenze).

Appointments can be made in three ways: 

1. In person 

You can go to a CUP office to make an appointment for specialists or exams. Every hospital has a CUP office. Some of the ASL offices (local healthcare offices) in your city or town may also have a CUP office. The ASL is the office that manages healthcare services for a specific region and its name may change from one region to another.

Attention: in some regions you may go in person to the CUP office only if you booked an appointment before. You can book an appointment with CUP through this online platform ZeroCoda by choosing the day, time and the CUP office near you. 

Appointments with specialists or for exams can also be made at most pharmacies. In fact, many pharmacies have activated this service called FarmaCUP.  

2. Online 

It is possible to book appointments through the CUP website of your region or through an application provided by the region.  For example, CUP Piemonte, Salutile (Cup Lombardia), MyCUPMarche, myCUP Reggio Emilia, etc. Remember, not not all regions have an app for this service.

3.  By phone

There is often a toll free number, called numero verde, that you can call from a fixed phone line, or a paid number that you can call from a fixed phone or mobile phone line.   

On the day of your appointment, please bring the printed or digital confirmation of the appointment, the tessera sanitaria or the STP.

If you cannot make your appointment, you must notify CUP by using the same methods described above (in person, online, or calling). In many regions you are required to cancel at least 2 days before the appointment. If you do not cancel your appointment, you risk having to pay in any case and the cost will be equivalent to the ticket. This rule also applies to those who are exempt from paying the ticket but who did not advise CUP of the cancellation.

If, on the other hand, you only want to move the appointment, please advise CUP at least 2 days before. You can modify the date and time of the appointment with the same prescription that you used to make the first appointment.

Attention: do not call CUP if you need information about health services in your region or about a specific health facility (for example, a hospital in a specific area). In this case, you should call the Ufficio Pubbliche Relazioni (URP) for the health facility for which you are seeking information.

For example search online: URP + your city + the healthcare facility (for example, URP Firenze Careggi).


  • Sportelli CUP (CUP offices) or authorized pharmacies
  • Call Numero Verde (toll free number) 800.000.500 Monday to Sunday from 8 am until 8 pm.
  • Online or through the App CUP Piemonte 


  • Sportelli CUP or authorized pharmacies
  • Call Numero Verde (toll free number) 800.638.638 from a fixed phone line or from a mobile phone line with charges. Monday to Saturday from 8 am to 8 pm excluding Sundays and holidays.
  • Online or through App Salutile  


Emilia Romagna



  • Sportelli CUP or authorized pharmacies
  • Numero Verde (toll free) 800 63 63 63 Monday through Friday from 8 am to 6 pm.
  • Online 


  • Sportelli CUP or authorized pharmacies
  • Numero Verde (toll free) 800.098.798 from fixed phone lines or 0721/1779301 from a mobile phone line with charges Monday to Friday from 8 am to 6 pm and Saturdays from 8 am to 1 pm. 
  • Online through the app MyCupMarche  


  • Sportelli CUP or authorized pharmacies
  • By calling 069939 Monday through Friday from 7.30 am to 7.30 pm and Saturday from 7.30 am to 1 pm.
  • Online ReCUP 




  • Sportelli CUP or authorized pharmacies
  • Numero Verde (toll free) 800888388 active only from fixed phone lines or 080 9181603 active from both fixed and mobile phone lines from Monday through Friday from 8 am to 8 pm. 
  • Online  



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