Access to case popolari

In Italy, people with no income, or with low income who cannot buy a house or pay rent, can ask the Comune for access to social housing, i.e. those state-owned houses that the Comune gives to people with economic difficulties.

The case popolari are state-built houses that the Comune makes available to citizens with economic difficulties at a very low price.

People who are unable to pay a rent can apply to their Comune to obtain one of the available case popolari. The request can be made only when the “bando per l’assegnazione di alloggi di edilizia residenziale pubblica” (the designated public call) is published.

If this bando (public call) is open, it is not possible to apply. However, we advise you to contact the offices of your Comune to find out if there is a waiting list for the case popolari or if there are any updates on the timing of publication of the bando.

When will the bando be published?

The timing of publication of the bando for the case popolari varies from municipality to municipality.

When there are new housing available or if one has been vacated, the Comune publishes the bando to find new people to whom to rent these spaces.

To stay updated and know when you can apply, it is very important to check the Comune’s website or physically go to the Comune’s information desks to ask for more information.

How to apply for the case popolari?

You can submit your application online, but you can also ask for help from a patronato in submitting your application. You also have another possibility: you can contact the offices of the Comune that deal with the bando.

Also non-European citizens with a regular residence permit can apply, specifically those with:    

  • long-term residence permit;
  • residence permit of at least two years which allows you to work.

Be aware of the deadlines and remember that, together with the specific form, you will have to submit these documents:

  • a copy of your identity document;
  • a marca da bollo (revenue stamp);
  • your ISEE-ERP

The final ranking

After the bando is closed, the list of people who will be able to access case popolari will be published.

There are several things that are taken into consideration when deciding who to house, including:

  • people living in houses without toilets;
  • people living in dormitories or centri di raccolta;
  • people with a disability and who are unable to work;
  • people with an annual income lower than the minimum INPS pension, around 600 euros;
  • single parents with dependent minors.

When there are equal scores between two or more people requesting accommodation, priority will be given to people with:

  • higher degree of disability;
  • dependent minors or elderly;
  • very large families;
  • lower income.

IMPORTANT: Registration at the Ufficio Anagrafe

To submit your application and access public housing, you must register with the Ufficio Anagrafe of the Municipality where you are and where you wish to stay.

To register at the Ufficio Anagrafe of your municipality, remember to bring with you:

  • Your passport
  • Your residence permit
  • A copy of the tax code
  • A copy of your driving license (if you have one)

If your application also includes your family members, do not forget the documentation confirming your family kinships, such as the marriage certificate and/or the birth certificate of your children.

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