How much do I have to pay to renew my residence permit?

The permesso di soggiorno is a document that has a limited duration and requires a renewal. When the document is about to expire, you must apply for its renewal. This request has a different cost depending on the type of permesso di soggiorno. Here you will discover the differences.

When your permesso di soggiorno is about to expire, you must apply for renewal at least 60 days before the expiration date that is indicated on the permit. In some cases the request must be made at the Questura by booking an appointment on the To access this website, you must have your SPID.You can also apply for renewal by filling out the postal kit, which you can collect from an authorized post office. 

If you use the kit postale (the envelope to send the renewal request), you will have to pay: 

  • €30.00 for raccomandata (registered letter) 
  • €16.00 marca da bollo (revenue stamp). 
  • A bollettino (bulletin) The amount will vary depending on the type of permit (permesso) 

How much do I have to pay with the bollettino? 

  • Renewal for minors under 14 years old
  • €30.46 Update of the parent’s permit 
  • €30.46 for the minor under 14 years old and €30.46 for the parent (one kit and two bollettini because the permesso di soggiorno of the minor is linked to that of the parent up until 14 years old. For the permesso di soggiorno, the minor will not complete a request alone 
  • €70.46 for permessi di soggiorno valid for 3 months – 1 year €80.46 for permessi di soggiorno valid for 1 year – 2 years
  •  €130.46 for permessi di soggiorno di lungo periodo UE

Please note that only €30.46 will be charged for: 

  • Minors under 18 years old
  • Duplication and update of the permesso di soggiorno
  • Permesso di soggiorno per cure mediche (residence permit for medical treatment)
  • Issuance and renewal of asilo politico (political asylum), protezione sussidiaria (subsidiary protection)
  • Carta di soggiorno (residence card) for the family members of EU citizens 

Before you receive your new permesso di soggiorno, cedolino (the receipt of the renewal request) is the document that allows you to stay regularly in Italy. You need to make sure to always carry the cedolino with you.

If there are problems or questions about your request, you can go in person to the Ufficio immigrazione in your Citu Hall. It deals with immigration services. You can also go to a patronato (patronage office).

To find the Ufficio immigrazione del Comune in your city, you can search online for the words: ufficio immigrazione + name of your city (for example, Ufficio immigrazione Firenze). To find your local patronage online, search for the words: Patronato + name of your city (for example, Patronato di Firenze). 

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