The project
The We-Hope project aims to promote the empowerment, socio-economic autonomy and job placement of women living in conditions of need and marginality in the metropolitan area of Florence.
We-Hope is born from the collaboration between six Florentine associations operating in the social inclusion sector. With the aim of strengthening and making the offer of support services they provide more efficient, these entities have developed an integrated and synergistic orientation and management system.
We-Hope is a network of services for women and mothers, which includes help desks and support services, courses and thematic events.
All the services are free and are based in Florence.
The partners
works to foster, regardless of nationality, religion and social affiliation, the full realization of young women away from their environment so that they can achieve their full personal development. In Santa Maria Novella station it runs daily the "Centro di Ascolto Help Center", a help desk for listening, reception, housing/economic support services and training courses. It also runs 'Casa Serena', a centro di prima accoglienza for young single women, pregnant women and mothers with small children, who find themselves in a serious state of socio-housing hardship or other emergencies.
Associazione Nosotras
works for the empowerment of women, the affirmation of citizenship and gender rights, and the promotion of maternal and child health. It operates counseling desks in the Florence area, which offer accompaniment and information for job search, answers to social and legal problems, and a psychological support service.
Associazione Progetto Arcobaleno APS
carries out its activities in various areas targeting vulnerable people, dealing in particular with non-EU immigration, alcoholism, drug addiction, psychological distress, trafficking and exploitation. In recent years, projects have also extended to the areas of employment, training and interculturalism. The Association's main goal is to welcome people in distress and accompany them on their path to autonomy.
Gli Anelli Mancanti
provides support services for the social and cultural integration of disadvantaged individuals, including migrant citizens, the homeless, women and minors. It also works for the peaceful coexistence of cultures, lifestyles and development models. Every activity is aimed at promoting respect for the human being, understood both as an individual bearer of universal rights and as part of the citizenry to be informed, involved and empowered.
helps migrant communities, asylum seekers and refugees deal with the challenges that arise in a journey of social, cultural, and economic inclusion in a new country. It works in particular on the issue of access to information as a fundamental tool for the empowerment of people with a migrant background. It also develops pathways for empowerment and mentorship, socio-cultural inclusion and job placement.
Le Curandaie APS
activates cultural, economic and social initiatives that enhance the richness of the social fabric, with particular reference to women and women-mothers, and is committed to creating social and productivity pathways aimed at new parents.
The services
We-Hope offers services that meet the needs of women and mothers who live in marginal conditions and have difficulty accessing local resources. These services, all free of charge, cover the following areas:
legal assistance
healthcare assistance/support
access to goods
support in the employment and training sector
parenting support
treatment of addictions (gambling addiction and alcoholism)
anti-discrimination desks
support for victims of trafficking, exploitation or economic violence

Full program of the services provided
DownloadCourses and events
These are the vocational training opportunities and initiatives offered by the We-Hope network:

HACCP course for 15 women on 27-28-29 November 2023.
Press Conference - Presentation Rete We-Hope
Free course for Assistente Familiare from 22 February to 6 June 2024
Free course on Sicurezza sul lavoro on 25 and 26 March 2024
La Firenze delle donne- Two itineraries to discover the female figures who made the history of Florence
EmpowerHer - seminar on pathways and experiences of female addiction recovery
Menstrual Hygiene Day - Seminar on sexual and reproductive health

Progetto approvato con D.D.R. 13511/23 con il contributo di Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali e Regione Toscana