Italian laws

People born from Italian citizens automatically become Italian citizens. But this is not the only way to get citizenship. After living for a few years in Italy, even people who come from other countries can become Italian citizens. However, there are some requirements to be met. On this page you will find out when you can get citizenship, how to apply and other useful information if you want to become an Italian citizen.

How to apply for citizenship

ALERT: Before applying for citizenship, make sure you have updated your long-term residence permit according to the new law number…

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Applying for Italian citizenship at 18 (for young people born in Italy)

In Italy, the citizenship law is based on the ius sanguinis principle. This principle decides that Italian citizenship is obtained…

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The Italian citizenship

Citizenship is a document that officially makes you a citizen of the Italian state, even if you are a citizen…

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The stages of the citizenship application

After you have submitted your application, the Prefettura will start examining it. By logging in with your SPID or username…

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Negative outcome: the riscorso (appeal)

There are cases in which the outcome of the application is negative, so the person who applied doesn’t get citizenship.…

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Positive outcome: the giuramento (oath)

After receiving the letter with the positive outcome of your citizenship application, you must take the giuramento (oath). The giuramento…

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